Die Suche ergab 203 Treffer

Die Suche ergab 203 Treffer Seite 3 von 21
von Daniel
06.07.2016 21:32
Forum: Neuigkeiten
Thema: Enderal Patch veröffentlicht
Antworten: 89
Zugriffe: 26958

Wir sind immer noch dran, aber das ist echt zäh. Wir würden jedem empfehlen, erstmal einen Spielstand vor Alt-Sherath (ohne den Message-Fehler) zu laden, um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen! Das war echt ein blödes Problem. :( Es gibt doch ein mehr bug nach dem fix (im! Wann ich ein spielspeiche...
von Daniel
04.07.2016 21:41
Forum: News
Thema: The Butcher of Ark: The Finale
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9643

We use the Skyrim Memory Patch ourselves, so no need to do that. As for gridsToLoad, it has shown to raise crashes, but feel free to mod at your own risk. :) "We use the SKyrim Memory Patch ourselves, so no need to do that." ? Is it already integrated into the mod, not requiring any activation of s...
von Daniel
04.07.2016 18:25
Forum: News
Thema: The Butcher of Ark: The Finale
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9643

Not related to the story (which is nice though), but:

is Enderal compatible with the Skyrim Memory Patch? Is it OK to raise the ugridstoload as well (with the same old issues ofc) or are they no-nos? :)
von Daniel
02.07.2016 15:02
Forum: News
Thema: Enderal launch trailer released
Antworten: 135
Zugriffe: 51177

badgesareus hat geschrieben:
I feel sorry for the SureAI team. It is like they are driving the auto with small children in the back seat --
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Haha, yeah :lol: Even though we're in the last 48 hours people are more stressed than ever for it to come out, it seems. :dumb:
von Daniel
30.06.2016 08:27
Forum: News
Thema: Enderal launch trailer released
Antworten: 135
Zugriffe: 51177

Sancez hat geschrieben:
Mmh tomorrow it's the first of july.. Just saying.. just saying..

Is it coming tomorrow? :thumbsup:
Patience! :dumb:
von Daniel
28.06.2016 19:22
Forum: News
Thema: Enderal launch trailer released
Antworten: 135
Zugriffe: 51177

I can only see this as mocking and some cruel joke as you're posting this in the english section saying there is only on week until the release but of course we have to wait a month to properly play it. Nice PR. Well, it's news that the game is coming out. The fact that it'll be in German is anothe...
von Daniel
28.06.2016 15:02
Forum: News
Thema: Enderal launch trailer released
Antworten: 135
Zugriffe: 51177

I can only see this as mocking and some cruel joke as you're posting this in the english section saying there is only on week until the release but of course we have to wait a month to properly play it. Nice PR. Well, it's news that the game is coming out. The fact that it'll be in German is anothe...
von Daniel
26.06.2016 16:11
Forum: News
Thema: Enderal launch trailer released
Antworten: 135
Zugriffe: 51177

Wooohoooo! Great trailer, super excited to see the airship (back) and the birdie in the end. That pod-looking thing looks interesting as well, I wonder how it'll work in the story! Well done guys (and girls)! *clap* :lol: Will you be taking a short break after release or will you keep working and ad...
von Daniel
20.06.2016 21:05
Forum: Questions, Critique & Wishes
Thema: Skyrim Special Edition and Enderal
Antworten: 19
Zugriffe: 12660

Well, firstly I'm pretty mad we don't get a new ES, but a prettier version of the last release. Not that I expected ES VI, I knew they'd squeeze every dime they could out of Skyrim and ESO first. So we need Enderal more than ever. To your question, I assume Bethesda knows the situation with mods an...
von Daniel
07.03.2016 17:14
Forum: Discussion
Thema: Q&A for Enderal (pls read it before opening a new topic)
Antworten: 153
Zugriffe: 132880

So good to finally see a release date. Going to play the German version prior to English release to catch bugs and enjoy the epic adventure with a dictionary by my side! 8)
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