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[REL] Console the Console

Verfasst: 20.10.2010 19:01
von Androktone
Name: Console the Console
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 24 X 2010
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements: Oblivion, OBSE 0018 and optionally Night Eye Shader
Switcher (an OBSE plugin)
Author: Androktone

-- 5+5 commands available.

-- 5+1 commands available.

-- initial version;
-- 3 commands available.

If you're interested in adding some other commands, let me know.

Console the Console gives you a quick access to some console commands by
pressing -- by default -- LEFT SHIFT + Q/W/E/R/T/A, resp. As for now, there are
five available commands:

1. Set FoV to 90 and set Night Eye Shader to a value as in the INI file. If you
don't have Night Eye Shader Switcher, don't worry, your comp won't explode.
2. Set FoV to 75 (= the Oblivion claustrophobic default).
3. Toggle the menus/HUD off/on.
4. Toggle the free camera on/off.
5. Toggle collisions off/on.

Optionally, you can add five more commands/functions of your choosing to the
INI file. These commands will be accessible in game by pressing -- by default --
LEFT SHIFT + A/S/D/F/G, respectively.

Install and configuration
1. Extract the files to: %Path_to_Nehrim_or_Oblivion%\Data\
2. Configure the mod by editing the file "konsola.ini" -- instructions inside
that file. Or don't and use 5 default commands.
3. Start Nehrim (or Oblivion) Launcher or OBMM and check

Delete the files "AK-ConsoleConsole.esp", "konsola.ini" and

I have no idea.

Tested with
OBSE 0018 (
Nehrim EV

Known issues or "issues"
1. Switching off/on the free camera or the menus/HUD too quickly, like twice in
a half-second, may cause... something.
2. If you set FoV to 90, remember to set it back to 75 before you exit
the game OR set the file Oblivion.ini to read-only BEFORE you start the game.
Otherwise the Main Menu will be messed up.

Do whatever. Don't drink too much beer.